
Bulletin Board

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Bring a friend to the October meeting!!!

We are going to be working on the design for the garden at the children's entrance to the Hingham Library. Anyone with ideas for the "pizza garden" or the "fairytale garden" please contact Nancy Mellen or Heidi Olsen.


courses: (check out the book at the meeting)

mass. landscape design

flower show

gardening study school

workshops: (check the book at the meeting)

flower show

design workshop

designing principles

lectures: (check the book at the meeting)

trees and people around the world- matt foti

conferences: (check the book at the meeting)

magic of flowers

america in bloom

flower shows: (check the book at the meeting)

tower hill november 3-5, 2006 "autumn splendor"

worcester's wonders march 1-4, 2007 central mass. flower show

regional projects, awards, contests, scholarships, grants... please check the book!

national garden clubs 2007 convention is in boston!!!








Please see the handbook for email addresses and phone numbers for any member you need to contact.

Nancy Mellen

On the Bulletin Board page I will list gardening tips; plants members would like to give away, trade,or are looking for; gardening questions from members; flower shows; offers to take along members on a trip to a gardening related site; or anything else you'd like to share with the membership. By clicking on my underlined name above, you should be able to email me directly any information you'd like put on the Bulletin Board.
                                                             Nancy Mellen

Thanks for visiting our site!

The Perennial Gardeners of the South Shore
members of the Garden Federation of Massachusetts